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The list of movie series in which Jason is featured includes Homegrown Video, Homegrown Swingers and Indieboyz. Fewer than half of his videos are part of a series. Jason Lee is featured contains Augusta Cum, Inn Bred and Leather Euphoria. Some of the videos in which they have performed together include Raw Sperm Holes ( ThreshHold Media), Inn Bred ( ThreshHold Media), and Raw Meat Packers ( ThreshHold Media). Of all of his costars, you can see Jason Lee appearing most often with Joshua Evans.

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Jason Lee has worked with a sizable group of models including Tyler, Austin Dallas as well as Anthony Ericson. The list of categories includes gonzo group sex scenes, bareback sex and even British scenes.

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He is highly well rounded and has performed in films which are associated with 31 categories. Lee has worked with studios including Caballero Video, Blue Alley, and New Porn Order.

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